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Skills For The BANI Future
Education & Catastrophe 53
Hyper Island APAC Relaunch
Many of us are familiar with VUCA - Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity - a term used to describe the present state of affairs where change happens exponentially. Couple of days ago at Own The Unknown, Hyper Island's relaunch in APAC, I came across the term BANI - Brittle, Anxious, Non-Linear, Incomprehensible.
How’s BANI different from VUCA? How do we prepare for a BANI future?
BANI was coined by American anthropologist, futurist, and author Jamais Cascio as a framework to understand the future.
Situations in which conditions aren’t simply unstable, they’re chaotic. In which outcomes aren’t simply hard to foresee, they’re completely unpredictable. Or, to use the particular language of these frameworks, situations where what happens isn’t simply ambiguous, it’s incomprehensible.
Brittle - The Illusion of Strength
The idea that we are susceptible to catastrophe at any time. Our ongoing attempt to wring every last bit of value – money, power, food, work – wherever possible has left systems fragile and vulnerable to catastrophic collapses. In the last few months alone, the collapse of FTX and SVB has had far reaching consequences. Credit Suisse, a 167 year old Swiss institution, did not survive the loss of confidence in the financial markets and was absorbed by UBS. From the Bahamas to Silicon Valley to Switzerland, living in an interconnected world means that fragilities that were once restricted to specific places and groups can now cause ripples effects around the world.
Anxious - The Illusion of Control
Fear over what could happen or go wrong regardless of what we do. A feeling of helplessness and of being overwhelmed by everything we face. Anxiety is largely caused by information overload. When we are constantly bombarded with real-time updates from all around the world, it can be overwhelming and lead to a sense of helplessness. As a result, we may become increasingly anxious due to the lack of control we feel over the situation. When we experience anxiety, we may become passive due to a fear of making mistakes and making things worse. As a result, we may delay taking action or making decisions, which in turn can lead to a state of depression.
Non-linear - The Illusion of Predictability
The disconnect between cause and effect in time, proportion and perception. The systems of cause and effect have become disconnected or disproportional. The emergence of a virus in one part of Asia and its subsequent impact across the globe was impossible to predict. The unfortunate and tragic events that have unfolded around the world could not have been foreseen. The idea of flattening the curve of COVID-19 cases is essentially a fight against non-linearity.
Incomprehensible - The Illusion of Knowledge
We no longer understand what is going on. We struggle to oversee it, grasp it, interpret what happens, and comprehend why. When we do get answers, we can’t make sense of them. “The more I know, the more I realise I don’t know.” The emergence of generative AI systems contributes to the feeling that everything is happening too fast and there is very little we understand.
Skills For The BANI Future
To thrive in a BANI world, these are the skills we need to develop. These skills have been called soft skills, life skills, future skills, 21st century skills, transferable skills etc. What to call this collection of skills is not as important as developing the following skills to cope with BANI.
In a BANI world, unexpected events and disruptions are more likely to occur due to factors such as globalisation, rapid technological advancement, and climate change. These events can create uncertainty and unpredictability, making it difficult to plan for the future.
Flexibility enables us to respond to these challenges and adapt our approaches to meet new demands. It also allows us to take advantage of opportunities that may arise unexpectedly.
Furthermore, being flexible can help us manage stress and anxiety levels in a BANI world. By adopting a flexible mindset, we can embrace change and uncertainty, rather than fearing it.
Closely related to flexibility. In a BANI world, disruptions can happen unexpectedly, and they can be complex and unpredictable. Thus, the ability to adapt is essential to navigate the challenges that arise.
Adaptability enables us to stay relevant and competitive in a rapidly changing environment. Being adaptable means being open to new experiences and continuously learning and developing new skills. It also means being able to adjust to new work environments and changing job roles.
Empathy is crucial in a BANI world because it allows us to connect with others on a human level, understand their needs and concerns, and respond with compassion and care.
Empathy also allows us to create more meaningful and sustainable relationships with others. By understanding others' perspectives and experiences, we can build trust, communicate more effectively, and create a sense of community.
Communication Skills
Communication skills are critical in a BANI world because they enable us to convey information effectively, build relationships, and navigate complex and rapidly changing environments.
In a BANI world, information can be overwhelming, and communication can be challenging due to factors such as language barriers, cultural differences, and technological limitations. Effective communication skills can help us overcome these challenges and ensure that our message is heard and understood.
Communication skills are essential for leaders in a BANI world. Leaders must be able to communicate their vision and strategies effectively, inspire and motivate their teams, and build trust with stakeholders.
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking enables us to analyse and evaluate information effectively, make informed decisions, and navigate complex and uncertain environments. Critical thinking enables us to identify patterns and trends, evaluate evidence, and assess risks and opportunities effectively.
Critical thinking helps us make informed decisions in a rapidly changing environment. It allows us to consider different perspectives and options, evaluate the pros and cons of each, and select the best course of action.
Creativity enables us to think outside the box, explore new possibilities, and find novel solutions to challenges that arise. Creativity can also enhance well-being and resilience in a BANI world. It provides an outlet for expression, which helps us cope with stress, anxiety, and uncertainty.
Collaboration allows us to pool our resources, skills, and knowledge, and work together to achieve common goals. In a BANI world, challenges can be complex and unpredictable, and no individual or organisation can solve them alone. Collaboration enables us to leverage our collective strengths and perspectives, and create more comprehensive and effective solutions.
At Doyobi, kids embark on online quests and solve problems collaboratively. The quests are designed to help kids learn real world literacies (media, environmental, financial, social-emotional etc) and develop skills for the BANI future.
If you enjoyed this week’s issue, you may want to check out issue 46 of Education & Catastrophe ‘In The Age of AI, Major In Being Human’.
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Till the next issue!